The Role Of The School In The Education Of Children

The Role Of The School In The Education Of Children

Children’s education is based on two main pillars: family and school. The first is the basis of all the training that the child receives, and the second involves tools that complement the development.

These pillars are formed by: the identity, discipline, habits and values ​​of children. Therefore, the relevance of working together to achieve positive results.     It is vital that parents maintain open and constant communication with teachers and school authorities, as well as attend events organized by the Blue Bells Public school, which are valuable sources of feedback on the child’s development.

Some schools promote this part, with the implementation of “schools for parents”, in which talks are given that provide guidance and useful support to make the parental role more effective.

Therefore, it is essential that your children’s school has a psychopedagogy department, which is responsible for detecting the academic and/or emotional needs of the students and which in turn can refer them to a specialist and provide timely follow-up.

What’s involved in the adequate development of children?

If you are wondering, what elements are integrated into “adequate development” for your children? Some relevant points are explained below:

1) Safe and affectionate presence of the people in charge of the child.

The fundamental base is the parents or caregivers. But as we mentioned at the beginning, teachers also act as a complement in the training of children, by providing affection, support and discipline through the implementation of clear limits.

2) Daily commitment to the child’s education.

As the training needs of children change as they grow, it is necessary for teachers to adapt to these changes. Supporting the construction of a healthy emotional and psychological structure by promoting habits and values ​​for life.

3) To promote the comprehensive development of children

It is necessary that the school manages to provide, in addition to academic knowledge, psycho-emotional skills such as teamwork, frustration tolerance, responsibility, compliance, etc. Resources that translate into skills to successfully face various daily situations.

Example: When a child is frustrated with the subject of mathematics, he does not find an immediate answer and the adults around him encourage him to look for answers; There is a greater possibility for this child to seek solutions, which translates into adult life to effective management of conflicts at work and a greater ability to handle stressful situations.

The objectives of the school in the development of the child

The figure of the teacher is very important. He is not only the friend and “companion” who guides the child, but also the professional who knows his needs and the difficulties he encounters.

On the other hand, the relationship and coexistence with their peers are also very enriching, since at these ages children learn primarily by imitation, and each of their classmates will provide the other with numerous different ideas and stimuli. The 3-year-old child will gradually abandon the absolute dependence that linked him to his parents as he begins his life in a community.

The 4-year-old child already shows his independence. His movements are more coordinated and his language allows him to express himself and dialogue. His graphics are perfected and he is able to write single letters and even words and to represent the human figure.

The 5-year-old has already climbed the great mountain of his development. From now on, although his changes are not as impressive, he continues to mature. He becomes more autonomous, learns to organize himself and takes care of his affairs.

Through play, the child experiments assimilate information and find solutions to their problems… Most importantly: they do it in a relaxed and enjoyable way. No child is the same as another, but they all have something in common: interest and pleasure in playing. At school, situations and materials are proposed that are sufficiently varied so that all children, without exception, feel attracted.

The programming of activities throughout the day is conditioned by the demands and interests of the children. Their need for food, hygiene and rest organizes the day. Their short attention spans (no more than 5 or 10 minutes) and their imperative need to move and talk will establish that activity is followed by rest and that tasks that require greater concentration are followed by those that allow greater recreation.

It is very important that children know and understand the schedule established for their group. This will help them to situate themselves and orient themselves in time and to have clear reference points. The activities continue without end, but always respecting the golden rule that guarantees the order of children’s habits: every activity that begins must end and the material used must be placed back in its place.

How can I detect that a school will guarantee good development for my child? 

Before enrolling, it is important that you first look at the mission and vision of the school, since they normally reflect their priorities there. It is also important to visit the facilities to meet and interact with the staff and verify if all of these elements are consistent with your family project.

The best schools work to provide high-level academic training to their students, with excellent human quality and that promotes environmental care so that your children can develop successfully throughout their lives.

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