Online games: basics

Find information on what online gaming is and how to help your child develop good online gaming habits to ensure they get the most out of their experience. Click here to know more about best online casino in Nigeria

What are online games?

Online gaming describes any video game that offers online interactions with other players. Video games used to be rated by a PEGI online content descriptor to indicate whether or not they were online. However, as most games now provide online interactions, this distinction is no longer used.

What remains a different game is the level of interaction on offer. The amount of information players share and how many people they interact with are the two key factors for parents to consider.

It offers clear benefits for children.

Online games are important to understand because they offer a lot of fun, playfulness, teamwork, collaboration, and imaginative adventure for kids. Played in a healthy way, they contribute an essential part of the development and socialization of children.

However, it is important for parents to understand online gaming so that they can encourage safe and healthy habits in children and technology from an early age.

Things you should know about the games

The game is a fun and sociable way to spend time, fostering teamwork and developing skills. It’s all good, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

Some games allow children to play and chat with anyone in the world . This means they may encounter offensive language and bullying

Not everyone online is who they say they are . Children should avoid giving personal details that could identify them or their location.

Some games encourage players to purchase extra items during gameplay – kids have been known to run up big bills without realizing it

In extreme cases bullying, also known as dueling , can be used as a tactic to win games. Children may be bullied or harassed

Get involved by finding out what kinds of games your child enjoys and making sure they are age appropriate

It can be difficult to stop some games in the middle of a battle as there are penalties for quitting and kids may feel like they are letting down their teammates.

Tips to keep online gaming healthy

Each of the sections above offer suggestions for specific aspects of online gaming for parents to consider. Plus, there are some great steps you can take as a parent to guide your child toward safe and healthy online gaming.

Get involved by finding out what kinds of games your child enjoys and making sure they are age appropriate.

Play games with your child and keep technology in shared family spaces instead of bedrooms.

Talk to them about who they are playing with and what information they are sharing.

Discuss what information is and is not appropriate to share, particularly personal data that could identify them or their location.

Discuss the financial costs of gaming and agree on how the children will spend their money online.

Discuss what they would do if they were bullied online and what are the appropriate steps to take.

Be sure to set up accounts yourself at regularly checked email addresses and with settings appropriate for your child’s age.

Agree how long it is appropriate to play in one session and how many sessions in one day. Then set these restrictions in parental settings with your child.

Types of players to watch out for

Campers – players who attack other players to gain an advantage

Cheaters – exploit game bugs or bugs in the code to gain an advantage in the game

Mourners – deliberately intimidates and harasses other players

Hackers – players who hack the game to find ways to cheat in the game

trolls – Like Griefers, these are players who incite hate on forums or in-game by attacking other people with abuse.

Smurf – This is an experienced player who pretends to be a new player to the game by creating a new account.

SCRUBBING – someone who doesn’t play well or is relatively new to the game (rookie)

Common acronyms and types of games.

DLC – Downloadable Content: Additional downloadable content for a game distributed online

MMOPRG – Massively Multiplayer Online Game, where a large number of players play together in real time

RPG – Role Playing Game (The player controls an avatar in the game to play)

FTP – Free to play video games, also known as free to start, that have in-game purchases to access premium parts of the game.

Sandbox – gives the player more freedom to roam and change the virtual world they are in (Minecraft is an example of such a game)

PvP – Player vs Player r – This is a type of play in a multiplayer game

NPC – Non-Player Character – This is any game where you are not in control of the character (it may be computer controlled)

Grinding – time spent performing repetitive tasks in the game to unlock a part of the game

Computer – when a computer game responds slower than expected

Level up – where you go to the next stage of the game

About David

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