Did you know that up to 20 percent of adults in the United States of America suffer symptoms of seasonal affective disorder each year? Seasonal depression is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially as the seasons start to transition and the daylight hours decrease. Despite the cheer of the holidays, it’s easy to get swallowed up by the winter blues.
Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware that they’re suffering from seasonal depression when it’s happening to them. It’s important to know the signs of SAD if you want to take the steps to combat it and make the most of all of the seasons during the year.
The good news is that you’ve found the right spot to learn all about this mood disorder, its symptoms, and the things that you can do to find happiness and joy again. Keep reading to learn more today!
What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
SAD is a type of depression that many people face as fall starts to transform into winter in the United States. As the seasons transition, your mood and your energy levels start to noticeably drop, and you could start to feel like you’re losing yourself with no way to corral it. Many people find that their symptoms start going away as the temperatures warm up during spring and summer.
It’s a big mistake to ignore your winter blues and push forward with your current course. There are a number of things that you can do to identify your mood disorder and take steps to live a happier life. Don’t write off months of your life each year if you don’t have to.
What Are the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder?
The main thing that you’ll notice if you’re getting seasonal depression is a big change in your overall mood. Many people that have this mood disorder start to become more gloomy and sad when winter arrives. This symptom tends to last most of the day during each day of the winter months.
Another big sign to keep an eye out for if you’re worried that you have the winter blues is a change in your interests. It’s common for people with SAD to lose interest in things that they were once passionate about only a few months ago. Take a look at your life and see if there are things that you used to love and that you don’t have the will or the energy to pursue now.
Feelings of lethargy and sluggishness are also normal for people that are suffering from seasonal depression. These feelings could result in issues like substance use disorder. Make sure that you learn more about How SAD affects recovery.
Sleeping too much is another big sign that seasonal depression is setting in. If you feel like no amount of sleep is ever enough then it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor or explore different treatment options for your health. The lethargy could quickly spill over into your relationships as well as your work.
The worst cases of the seasonal affective disorder are a loss of will to live and an inescapable feeling of hopelessness. If you start to feel this way then it is imperative that you seek the help that you need to get through your seasonal depression.
Tips for Managing Symptoms
Now that you know the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, it’s time to take a look at the things that you can do from home to resolve your mood disorder. Taking the right steps leading up to winter will allow you to prepare for the impact of winter and get your mind and body right.
Start Preparing in the Fall
The best time to start preparing for the seasonal affective disorder is during the fall months. Make sure that you set some time aside for you to focus on activities that provide you with happiness. Get together with friends and family more during the fall, take more time for yourself in nature, or pick up a new hobby.
Getting involved with activities that make you happy is a sure way to make getting through seasonal depression a breeze. It will also give you a supportive group of people that will be there for you when the winter blues arrive.
Try a Dawn Simulator
Another creative way to manage the symptoms of the seasonal affective disorder is to invest in a dawn simulator for your bedroom. This method might not work for everyone, but it’s worth a shot, especially if your sleep is affected by your mood disorder.
This piece of technology works like an alarm clock but it awakens you with soft, natural light rather than with noise. As time goes on, the light from your dawn simulator will continue getting brighter to simulate the rising sun.
Use Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is another helpful option that you can do from the comfort of your own home during fall and winter. You’ll need to invest in an oil diffuser and some natural essential oils, as these oils have big-time health benefits. The different oils have different ingredients that allow you to get the health benefits that you’re seeking.
Stay Active
It’s easy to fall into the trap of becoming stagnant as the daylight hours decrease and the temps plummet. Still, you need to find ways to stay active during this time of year if you want to avoid seasonal depression and have a happy winter. Staying active will also offset any weight gains made as a result of SAD.
Start Preparing for Seasonal Affective Disorder Today
The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are clear to identify as long as you know what to look for and when to look for them. Look for signs of hopelessness along with a feeling of lethargy and a lack of interest in your favorite activities. Avoid the winter blues by getting active and engaging in social outings with friends and family members during the fall months.
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