Ball Squat with Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Ball Squat with Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward, holding a pair of dumbbells at above your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Keeping your chest up and your knees behind your toes, lower your body to just above 90 degrees of knee bend while pressing the weights up over your head until they are almost touching. Hold for 1 second, then return to the starting position.

Body-Weight Exercises

A subcategory of free-weight exercises is body-weight exercises. Many of the exercises that can be done with free weights can also be performed using just your own body weight. In fact, one of the ways I progress my clients is to begin with basic body-weight exercises and then add additional resistance when appropriate. Remember that body-weight exercises are some of the most effective for transforming your body. They can be performed anywhere: at home, while on vacation, outside, and so on.

Body-weight exercises are extremely functional. They help strengthen your body for the activities of daily living, as well as any sports you might play. We squat, lunge, and do push-ups every day. The stronger and better we are at performing these basic movements, the better our quality of life will be. It will be more enjoyable, and we will be injured less often.

Trainer Tip: Do not make body-weight exercises too difficult too soon. All too often I see someone doing a body-weight exercise with dumbbells when he or she shouldn’t be. He or she is not yet good enough or strong enough at that movement to be adding resistance, and the exercise suffers as a result. It can also lead to injury, especially during exercises such as squats and lunges. Master the movement first. When you do add weight, be especially careful to keep strict form throughout.

Cable Rope Crunch

I know what you want, what you really want when it comes to working out. You want flat abs. Everyone does. And everyone can have them, yes, everyone, if they’re willing to work for them. I don’t care what your genetics are, your metabolism, or your body type. If you do what you need to do, you can have the abs you’ve always wanted.

But it’s not just about the abs. You also need to do lower back exercises. More than 80 percent of us will have lower back problems at some point in our lives. But we don’t have to. A strong core (your abs, lower back, and glutes) is essential to being able to perform our activities of daily living without pain. Realize also that abdominal is not just about looks; a weak abdominal wall is often one of the causes of lower back pain. How is that possible? you may ask.

It’s simple: the abdominals are in front of the lower back and part of the core. When the abs are weak, the strength of the core is compromised, and lower back pain is often the result. Strong abdominal muscles are not just about vanity. A strong core is also essential to sports performance. I don’t care what your level of proficiency is in your particular sport, core training will not only make you better, it will also protect you from potential injury

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