Beyond the Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panels

With the recent large-scale shift to clean and renewable energy, solar panels have gained massive traction among the Indian population. This is because solar power is a viable alternative to traditional energy sources, especially because our country receives ample sunlight throughout the year.

But if you’re planning to shift to solar energy for your daily needs, it is important to understand the ABCs of solar panels. Doing so will help you make an informed decision while also providing you with all the information you need to get started. So, if you wish to know more about solar panels, continue reading!

Image Courtesy: Luminous

What are Solar Panels & How Do They Work?

Solar panels are the key component of any solar power system, be it on-grid, off-grid, or even hybrid. They consist of numerous solar photovoltaic (PV) cells that work together to create an electric field, enabling the modules to produce electricity. And the more sunlight the panels get, the more energy they can create throughout the day.

Moreover, solar panels can produce electricity even on cloudy and rainy days; however, the output can be slightly lower. But since PV panels can only generate power in Direct Current (DC) output, you do need a solar inverter to complete the setup. So, this sums up the basic functioning of solar panels, and now we will look at their types.

Types of Solar Panels

While all solar panels have the same function, they are available in the following two types:

  1. Polycrystalline Solar Panels

The solar cells of polycrystalline panels are manufactured using multiple fragments of silicon crystal that are then molded together. These solar panels typically have a dark blue color with straight edges. While polycrystalline PV modules have been in use for decades, they offer slightly lower efficiency compared to their counterparts, which also makes them affordable. Plus, these panels are also not ideal for areas with high temperatures as they tend to produce low output during hot weather. You should also know that polycrystalline solar panels are best suited for small-sized PV plants.

  1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels

The solar cells of monocrystalline panels are manufactured using a single silicon crystal, hence the name. These solar panels are easily identifiable as they are black in color and have round edges. However, monocrystalline solar panels are new in the market as they are equipped with the latest technology. This makes them more efficient than their counterparts, but the price point also tends to go a little higher. Regardless, monocrystalline solar panels are a great choice, especially because they are compatible with PV plants of all sizes.

What to Consider When Investing in Solar Panels?

Now that you’re familiar with the working and types of solar panels, let’s briefly discuss the aspects you must consider when investing in solar panels:

The Type of the Solar Panels: The foremost thing you need to consider is the type of solar panels, which we discussed earlier. And you need to choose between polycrystalline and monocrystalline PV panels based on your preferences and requirements.

Features that Enable High Performance: All solar panels come with certain features that enhance their performance and efficiency. These include PID resistance technology, advanced EVA encapsulation, improved low-light performance, weather resistance, and safety compliance. So, make sure you’re on the lookout for these features.

A Reliable Brand/Manufacturer: Another key aspect to consider is the reliability of the brand or manufacturer. This is crucial so you know you’re only investing in high-quality solar panels that are also worth your money. Thus, always opt for trusted and well-known brands like Luminous who have been in the industry for over a decade.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out Luminous’ range of solar panels on their website and switch to clean energy today!

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