Warning signs that an injury lawyer is not right for you 

As a claimant, you may find Arizona personal injury laws confusing. Handling the aftermath of an accident in Tucson is not easy, and the legal landscape can be overwhelming. You need to file your injury claim, complete necessary paperwork, gather relevant evidence, and negotiate the compensation. It makes no sense that you deal with the turbulent circumstances alone. Engaging a personal injury lawyer is probably the best step you can take, and in this post, we discuss a few red flags to note during the hiring process. 

  1. Delayed response: If an attorney doesn’t respond or take your claim seriously, avoid waiting for them. Seasoned injury lawyers know that time is everything when dealing with such cases, and at the least, they will schedule a meeting to discuss your claim. 
  2. Inability to demonstrate experience: When a personal injury lawyer says they are the best in Tucson, they should have enough cases and wins to prove that. If you find that the lawyer doesn’t have commendable achievements in the last couple of years, you know they are exaggerating facts. 
  3. Ready to tweak details: Unfortunately, some injury attorneys don’t adhere to the professional ethics. They often urge clients to increase their losses or overstate their injuries to get a higher settlement, and these practices usually lead to unfortunate but avoidable outcomes. Don’t work with someone who wants to tweak details of the claim. 
  4. Lack of transparency: An injury lawyer will work on contingency, where they will only ask for their share of the settlement after you have recovered money. However, the fee percentage and other expenses pertaining to your case should be discussed before you sign a contract or engagement letter with them. If there is no transparency or clarity, avoid that lawyer. 
  5. Promises of a fixed settlement: No matter how hard an attorney works, they can never promise a figure in advance. If they do, they are certainly lying. Guarantees don’t work for personal injury claims, and you need someone who is honest and sets the expectations right. 
  6. Pressure to settle: If an attorney wants you to settle the case right away or just doesn’t want to consider the option of filing a lawsuit in court, they either don’t have the negotiation skills or the required trial experience. Your injury lawyer’s role is to fight for your rights and maximize the compensation. 

Meet a few injury law experts in Tucson and discuss your case to understand them better. 

About David

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