How Long Can Edibles Be Detected in Your System?

Edibles are food products prepared with cannabis, for instance, cookies, brownies or candies. Ingesting cannabis is different from smoking or vaping because food items you consume go through digestion. 

When you eat an edible, it is metabolized in your stomach first. THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient out of the plant that gives the ‘high’ feeling, dissolves into your bloodstream. It can take longer to achieve this than when you inhale its smoke and as such; the effects may only come later. 

How Long Do Edibles Stay in Your System?

How long do edibles stay in your system will vary depending on aspects such as your metabolic rate, body weight, and your general health. Usually, edibles take 4-12 hours to have an impact on the body, and they can take 1-30 days to be out of your system.

a. Blood

THC from edibles will be detected in blood tests for some few hours, a day at most. This is because THC is flushed out of your body after a relatively short period of time.

b. Urine

THC can be found in urine after the first usage and the window period is up to 72 hours. For regular consumers, marijuana might be visible in their system for up to 30 days or more.

c. Saliva 

It is worth stating that THC can be found in saliva up to 24 hours after the use of marijuana. This is not as popular as the blood or urine sample analysis method.

d. Hair 

Compared to urine testing, hair testing can show THC presence in one’s system up to as long as 90 days. This test focuses on drug use spread across a broader period of time, although this test is not as widely used as the ones mentioned above, mainly because it is very complicated and costly.

Factors Influencing How Long Do Edibles Stay in Your System?

The duration of time it takes to clear the system depends on some factors as explained below. For instance, if your metabolism rate is high, substances, including THC, will be metabolized faster and therefore, will only remain in the body for a shorter time. Also, having less body fat can lower the time it takes for THC to remain in your system because THC is fat-soluble.

The type, strength, and quantity of the edibles consumed are also important factors. A higher concentration and strength of edibles will increase the length of time the substance will be detected in the system. Frequency of use also comes into play; for those who tend to take it frequently, then it will take longer for the THC to be cleared from the body.


Cannabis edibles are often a great way to get high and can at the same time be quite entertaining to use. It is helpful to understand how long they can remain in your system to avoid consumption when there is probable cause for drug testing. Edible products may take several hours to kick in so please be patient, and always start with a smaller dose.


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