The expansion of the EDSA (a digital initiative for the Academy of the country) is launching has come up with an online course and a series of data science competitions to provide young people with science students with ‘future skills.’ Scholars between the value of 10 and 12 who will …
Read More »Corporate Responsibility on a Censored Internet
INTRODUCTION Since 1990 the technology landscape has been dominated by Internet gatekeepers which provide tools like search engines and portals that help users access and navigate the Internet. Like Yahoo, Microsoft, and Google have expanded into markets like China or Saudi Arabia they have been asked to support various censorship …
Read More »Cyber Law & Cyber Ethics and Online Gambling
applicable in their own physical location across the geographical boundaries, or believing there is a relaxation of regulations and restrictions. They may also be erroneously enlarging their personal security perimeter, acting under a false impression that the limit of communication is with the computer screen itself, or is restricted to …
Read More »Legal and Ethical Implications in Cyberspace: An International Perspective
INTRODUCTION In what follows, the main focus will be on al Qaeda’s use of the Web as a base for recruitment and as an effective tool of radicalization, and to a minor degree, as a base of operations. In the first part, I outline the professionalism which surrounds the al-Qaeda …
Read More »Legal and Ethical Implications Involving Social Networks and Virtual Worlds
INTRODUCTION Child pornography has been defined as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving children under the age of 18” (Kierkegaard, 2008), and is a persistent form of social deviation conflicting with the established social norms in any society. Social or humankind deviations can be defined as actions, behaviors, …
Read More »How are Hacking Behaviors Tackled Under Law?
Brenner (2006) indicates that according to section 1030 of the US Code, depending on the type of hacking activity engaged in, offenders can be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both. This imprisonment can be extended to up to 20 years for repeat offenders. Tavani (2007) suggests that …
Read More »Law and Technology at Crossroads in Cyberspace: Where Do We Go From Here?
INTRODUCTION Computer crime has evolved to be a serious problem that deserves attention. The Internet-enabled environment facilitates many flexible work opportunities for employees allowing them to work away from their desks. Telecommuting, working from home, and remote computing while traveling is becoming common occurrence in many organizations. Thus organizations are …
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