5 Tips To Help Manage Your Elbow Pain

Did you know that around 1-3% of Americans get tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is a condition that causes the tendons in the elbow to stretch, break down, and tear.

While tennis elbow is common in professional athletes, it can happen to anyone. One of the biggest causes of tennis elbow is repetitive motions. Some signs of tennis elbow include pain, stiffness, and swelling.

While tennis elbow is a common cause of elbow pain, you also may have sprained or broken your elbow. What are some of the best ways to manage elbow pain? Keep reading to learn about five ways to reduce your elbow joint pain.

  1. Rest

One of the best ways to manage your elbow pain is to rest. If your pain is caused by a repetitive motion, you should stop doing that motion until the pain resides.

You also should stop motions that worsen the pain. One of the easiest ways to rest your elbow is to use a splint. When you put a splint on your elbow, you reduce the risk of moving your elbow in a way that causes pain.

  1. Compression

Another way to manage your elbow pain is to use compression. Compressing your soft tissue allows your elbow to get more oxygen and blood flow. Getting plenty of blood and oxygen can speed up healing and reduce toxins.

If you need to do an activity that requires using your elbow, wearing an elbow compression sleeve can help. Not only will a sleeve reduce pain, but it also can help prevent further injury.

  1. Exercise

Did you know that exercising can improve your elbow pain? Like compression, exercise can boost the blood and oxygen flowing to your muscles. While rest is important, you should start stretching and exercising your elbow after a few days. Using light exercises and some hoist gym equipment helps you strengthen and build your muscles

Stretching will allow your tendons to loosen up, and exercising will help you strengthen them. If you aren’t sure how to start building strength in your elbow, working with a physical therapist is a good option.

  1. Medication

To relieve elbow pain in the short term, you should consider using medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Advil or Aleve, can lessen your pain and reduce inflammation.

If you have severe elbow pain, your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain medicine.

  1. Heat and Ice

Another great way to help elbow pain is to use heat and ice. Ice is a good option if your elbow is swollen, but heat is better for pain and stiffness.

Heat can increase blood flow to your elbow, which can allow your tendons and muscles to recover faster. Whenever you use heat or ice, make sure the source of it doesn’t make direct contact with your skin.

Are You Ready to Manage Your Elbow Pain?

Elbow pain is common in people suffering from tennis elbow, a sprain, or a broken bone. If you are trying to manage your elbow pain, try rest, compression, exercise, medication, heat, and ice.

Was this article on treatment options for elbow pain helpful? If so, check out our blog for more similar tips.

About David

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